MRaster examples
Image Processing Library
No Matches
examples Directory Reference


 Draw the Apollony Gasket via an ifs.
 Morph a IFS from an Apollony Gasket to a cloud.
 Draw the intersection of the Attracting Torus Attractor with coordinate plains.
 Draw the intersection of the Attracting Torus Attractor with coordinate plains.
 Draw some Barry Martin Attractors.
 Draw a bifurcation diagram for the logistic map.
 Draw some classical versions of Clifford Pickover's biomorph fractals.
 Draw a corner centered biomorph fractal nice for a desktop background image.
 Draw the classic biomorphMorph fractal.
 Benchmark program for pixel draw rates with ramCanvas.
 Read a TIFF image and simulate brownian diffusion.
 Simulate the brusselator on a random initial set.
 Burning Ship Fractal.
 A kaliset inspired butterfly fractal.
 Play the chaos Game.
 Mathematical art with circles.
 Draw a mandelbrot-like fractal with the collatz map.
 Draw every possible color in 24-bit.
 Illistrate the diffrence in interpolion in HSL vs RGB spaec.
 Draw a few cubehelix color schemes.
 Produce preview impages for every color scheme – for documentation.
 Draw colorbrewer2 color pallets.
 Draw continous colorbrewer2 color gradients.
 Draw a few cubehelix color schemes.
 rainbow related colors
 Draw several examples of cube color ramps.
 Draw several examples of cube color ramps.
 Demonstrate the cmpRGBcornerDGradiant (general color ramp) function.
 Produce an image showing an array of the 216 web safe colors – a pallet of colors once considered "safe" for internet use.
 Plot the full range of RGB colors along with various reduced color spaces.
 Demonstrate how load a floating point RAW file and save it as an integer TIFF.
 draw complex function plots
 Draw a mandelbrot set using colorizeCanvas.
 Demonstrate the ramCanvas corners API.
 Demonstrate "data images" and mjr::ramCanvasPixelFilter.
 Demonstrate how to display an image with SDL.
 Read a TIFF image and simulate brownian diffusion limited aggregation of blue pixels.
 Read a TIFF image and simulate diffusion limited aggregation with drift of blue pixels.
 Produces seed images for diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) simulations.
 For each pixel, simulate a double pendulum system over 2sec and color the pixel according to the pendulum end state.
 For each pixel, simulate a double pendulum system over 2sec and color the pixel according to the pendulum end state.
 Draw the duck fractal.
 The feather fractal.
 Read an image, transform it, and write out transformed image.
 Read an image, correct it for radial lens discortion, and write out the corrected image.
 Read an image, rotate it, and write out the transformed image.
 One way to get images from a ramCanvas into OpenGL.
 Draw a heart for Valentines Day 2022.
 Draw a heart for Valentines Day 2025.
 Draw a heart fractal.
 Demo some image processing.
 Draw the Inverted mandelbrot set.
 Draw a julia set.
 Draw julia sets on a Mandelbrot Curve.
 Draw a kaliset julia-style.
 Draw a kaliset mandelbrot-style.
 Draw a kaliset mandelbrot-style.
 Simplified code for Newton's Fractical.
 Simplified code for Laguerre Method to compare to Newton's Fractical.
 Draw level curves for a real valued function on two real variables.
 Draws Levy Curve with the Chaos Game algorithm.
 Draw a Lorenz Attractor histogram.
 For each pixel, simulate a double pendulum system over 2sec and color the pixel according to the pendulum end state.
 Draw lorenz attractors with different initial conditions.
 Doxygen content – not an example!
 This program draws a Mandelbrot the binary method.
 Draw the classic mandelbrot_biomorph fractal.
 Benchmark drawing a mandelbrot set using the C++ complex type.
 Benchmark drawing a mandelbrot set using the C++ complex type and excluding hypocycloids.
 Benchmark drawing a mandelbrot set using the C++ complex type with OpenMP.
 Benchmark drawing a mandelbrot set using floating point types and arithmetic only.
 Simplified code for for web page examples.
 This program draws a mandelbrot set using the "distance".
 This program draws a Mandelbrot set using the "potential".
 Draw a grayscale Mandelbrot Set.
 Draw a Mandelbrot set with an Mandelbrot curve as an orbert trap.
 Color Mandelbrot set using the mean orbit.
 Mandelbrot orbits.
 Draw a Mandelbrot set with Pickover Stalks.
 This program draws a Mandelbrot set using the "potential".
 Produce several images related to the period/cycle structure of the Mandelbrot set.
 Produce several images related to the period/cycle structure of the Mandelbrot set.
 Create a Julia set movie.
 Draw a Mandelbrot set using an edge detection algorithm.
 Animate a mandelbrot-like fractal with a variable coeficient.
 Render movie frames for a smooth multibrot evolution from k=.9 to k=4.
 Draw a sequence of integer power multibrot fractals.
 Simplified code for Newton's Fractical.
 Draw various Newton-like Fracticals.
 Draw a Newton Fractical – color by orbit distance from roots.
 Draw a Newton Fractical – color by root and max modulus.
 Draw a Newton Fractical – color by orbit distance from roots.
 Draw a Newton Fractical.
 Draw a Newton Fractical – color by orbit distance from roots.
 A modified Newton's Method Fractical.
 Draw a Newton Fractical – color by root and max modulus.
 Simplified code for Newton's Fractical.
 Simplified code for Newton's Fractical.
 Draw Fractals via Newton-like methods.
 Draw a Newton Fractical for \( z^6 \).
 Draw a Peter de Jong Attractor.
 For each pixel, simulate a double pendulum system over 2sec and color the pixel according to the pendulum end state.
 Draw a Peter de Jong Attractor Movie.
 Draw Phoenix Julia set fractals.
 Draw Phoenix Julia set fractals with distance estimator.
 Draw Phoenix Julia set fractal insides with distance estimator.
 Create a phoenix Julia set movie.
 Create a phoenix Julia set movie.
 Draw Pickover Popcorn Fractals.
 Draw fractals inspired by the book Symmetry in Chaos.
 Find parameters for SIC fractals that light up lots of pixels.
 This little program draws a S. Gasket using an iterative, random algorithm.
 Draw fractals inspired by the book Symmetry in Chaos.
 Draw fractals inspired by the book Symmetry in Chaos.
 Find parameters for simone attractor that light up lots of pixels.
 Draw a sprott Attractor.
 Draw some Tinkerbell Attractors.
 Find parameters for tinkerbell fractals.
 Draw the John Tippetts variant of the Mandelbrot set.
 Draw the classic tricorn fractal.
 Render movie frames for a smooth tricorn evolution from k=2 to k=10.
 Template types and sizes.
 Wackey orbit map 01.
 Wackey orbit map 02.
 Wackey orbit map 03.