MRaster examples
Image Processing Library
No Matches
geomTfrm_LensDistortion.cpp File Reference

Read an image, correct it for radial lens discortion, and write out the corrected image. More...

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Detailed Description

Read an image, correct it for radial lens discortion, and write out the corrected image.

Mitch Richling

The geomTfrmRevRPoly() method uses a radial polynomial transform. This method may be used to reproduce the behavior of Imagemagick's barrel distortion transformation. In Imagemagick the following terminology and constraints are used:

  • (X, Y) is the image center for both T & S
  • A, B, C, & D are constants
  • A+B+C+D=1 – if you don't provide D it will be computed

This is all put together on the command line something like this:

      -distort Barrel "A B C D X Y"

We can demonstrate the similar behavior between Imagemagick & this example program like this:

  • Make test images
        make test_images
  • Compute the new image with imagemagik
        rm test_images_mcgrid_fimg.tiff
        magick test_images_mcgrid.tiff -background Green -virtual-pixel Background -interpolate Bilinear -filter point -distort barrel "0.0 -0.0160 0.0" test_images_mcgrid_fimg.tiff
        start test_images_mcgrid_fimg.tiff
  • Compute the new image with MRaster
        make geomTfrm_LensDistortion
        ./geomTfrm_LensDistortion.exe test_images_mcgrid.tiff
        mv geomTfrm_LensDistortion.tiff test_images_mcgrid_fmr.tiff
        start test_images_mcgrid_fmr.tiff
  • Use compare aginst the two imgages
        magick compare -metric mae test_images_mcgrid_fmr.tiff test_images_mcgrid_fimg.tiff out.tiff
        start out.tiff
  • Subtract the two images
        magick test_images_mcgrid_fmr.tiff test_images_mcgrid_fimg.tiff -compose Mathematics -define compose:args='0,1,-1,0' -composite out.tiff
        start out.tiff

Note the images are not identical, but they are very close.

Definition in file geomTfrm_LensDistortion.cpp.