MRaster lib
Image Processing Library
No Matches
mjr Namespace Reference


class  colorTpl
 Template Class used to house colors for ramCanvas objects. More...
class  hershey
class  point2d
 Handy class to hold a point in 2D (integer or real) More...
class  ramCanvasTpl
 Class providing off-screen drawing functionality. More...


template<class clrChanT , int numChan, int redChanIdx = -1, int blueChanIdx = -1, int greenChanIdx = -1, int alphaChanIdx = -1>
requires ((numChan>0) && // Must have at least 1 chan (std::is_unsigned<clrChanT>::value || std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value) && // unsigned integral or floating point (std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value || (sizeof(clrChanT) >= 1)) && // If clrChanT int, then must be >= 1 char size (redChanIdx < numChan) && (blueChanIdx < numChan) && (greenChanIdx < numChan) && (alphaChanIdx < numChan) && (((blueChanIdx < 0) && (redChanIdx < 0) && (greenChanIdx < 0)) || ((blueChanIdx >= 0) && (redChanIdx >= 0) && (greenChanIdx >= 0))) && // R, G, & B all non-negative or all negative ((alphaChanIdx < 0) || (redChanIdx >= 0)) && // If A is non-negative, then all non-negative ((redChanIdx < 0) || ((redChanIdx != greenChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (blueChanIdx != alphaChanIdx))))
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan > const &color)
 i/O stream output operator for colorTpl types.
template<class clrChanT , int numChan, int redChanIdx = -1, int blueChanIdx = -1, int greenChanIdx = -1, int alphaChanIdx = -1>
requires ((numChan>0) && // Must have at least 1 chan (std::is_unsigned<clrChanT>::value || std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value) && // unsigned integral or floating point (std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value || (sizeof(clrChanT) >= 1)) && // If clrChanT int, then must be >= 1 char size (redChanIdx < numChan) && (blueChanIdx < numChan) && (greenChanIdx < numChan) && (alphaChanIdx < numChan) && (((blueChanIdx < 0) && (redChanIdx < 0) && (greenChanIdx < 0)) || ((blueChanIdx >= 0) && (redChanIdx >= 0) && (greenChanIdx >= 0))) && // R, G, & B all non-negative or all negative ((alphaChanIdx < 0) || (redChanIdx >= 0)) && // If A is non-negative, then all non-negative ((redChanIdx < 0) || ((redChanIdx != greenChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (blueChanIdx != alphaChanIdx))))
bool operator!= (colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan > const &color1, colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan > const &color2)
 Inequality operator for colorTpl types.

Channel Types

typedef uint8_t colChanI8
 Type suitable for 8-bit unsigned color channels.
typedef uint16_t colChanI16
 Type suitable for 16-bit unsigned color channels.
typedef uint32_t colChanI32
 Type suitable for 32-bit unsigned color channels.
typedef uint64_t colChanI64
 Type suitable for 64-bit unsigned color channels.
typedef float colChanF32
 Type suitable for 32-bit floating point color channels.
typedef double colChanF64
 Type suitable for 64-bit floating point color channels.

Complete Color Types

The following types define the most commonly used color/pixel combinations.

typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 1 > color1c8b
 colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 8 – 8-bit Greyscale

typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 2 > color2c8b
 colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 16

typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 3 > color3c8b
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 24 – 24-bit RGB (truecolor)
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 4 > color4c8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32 – 24-bit RGBA (truecolor)
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 5 > color5c8b
 colorTpl: 5 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 40
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 6 > color6c8b
 colorTpl: 6 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 48
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 7 > color7c8b
 colorTpl: 7 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 56
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 8 > color8c8b
 colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 64
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 16 > color16c8b
 colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 128
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 32 > color32c8b
 colorTpl: 32 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 256
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 64 > color64c8b
 colorTpl: 64 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 512
typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 1 > color1c16b
 colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 16 – 16-bit Greyscale

typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 2 > color2c16b
 colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 32

typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 3 > color3c16b
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 48 – 48-bit RGB
typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 4 > color4c16b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 64 – 48-bit RGBA
typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 8 > color8c16b
 colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 128
typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 16 > color16c16b
 colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 256
typedef colorTpl< colChanI16, 32 > color32c16b
 colorTpl: 32 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 512
typedef colorTpl< colChanI32, 1 > color1c32b
 colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 32 – 32-bit Greyscale

typedef colorTpl< colChanI32, 2 > color2c32b
 colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 64

typedef colorTpl< colChanI32, 3 > color3c32b
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 96 – 96-bit RGB
typedef colorTpl< colChanI32, 4 > color4c32b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 128 – 96-bit RGBA
typedef colorTpl< colChanI32, 8 > color8c32b
 colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 256
typedef colorTpl< colChanI32, 16 > color16c32b
 colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 512
typedef colorTpl< colChanI64, 1 > color1c64b
 colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 64 – 64-bit Greyscale

typedef colorTpl< colChanI64, 2 > color2c64b
 colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 128

typedef colorTpl< colChanI64, 3 > color3c64b
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 192 – 192-bit RGB
typedef colorTpl< colChanI64, 4 > color4c64b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 256 – 192-bit RGBA
typedef colorTpl< colChanI64, 8 > color8c64b
 colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 512
typedef colorTpl< colChanF32, 1 > color1c32F
 colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 32 – 32-bit Floating Greyscale

typedef colorTpl< colChanF32, 2 > color2c32F
 colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 64

typedef colorTpl< colChanF32, 3 > color3c32F
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 96 – 96-bit Floating RGB
typedef colorTpl< colChanF32, 4 > color4c32F
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 128 – 96-bit Floating RGBA
typedef colorTpl< colChanF32, 8 > color8c32F
 colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 256
typedef colorTpl< colChanF32, 16 > color16c32F
 colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 512
typedef colorTpl< colChanF64, 1 > color1c64F
 colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 64 – 64-bit Floating Greyscale
typedef colorTpl< colChanF64, 2 > color2c64F
 colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 128

typedef colorTpl< colChanF64, 3 > color3c64F
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 192 – 192-bit Floating RGB
typedef colorTpl< colChanF64, 4 > color4c64F
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 256 – 256-bit Floating RGBA
typedef colorTpl< colChanF64, 8 > color8c64F
 colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 512

Complete Color Types with Traditional Names

Many people prefere to use tranditional, RGB/greyscale names for color types.

typedef color4c8b colorRGBA8b
 colorTpl: RGBA (8-bit int/channel) (truecolor)
typedef color4c16b colorRGBA16b
 colorTpl: RGBA (16-bit int/channel)
typedef color4c32b colorRGBA32b
 colorTpl: RGBA (32-bit int/channel)
typedef color4c64b colorRGBA64b
 colorTpl: RGBA (64-bit int/channel)
typedef color4c32F colorRGBA32F
 colorTpl: RGBA (32-bit float/channel)
typedef color4c64F colorRGBA64F
 colorTpl: RGBA (64-bit float/channel)
typedef color3c8b colorRGB8b
 colorTpl: RGB (8-bit int/channel) (truecolor)
typedef color3c16b colorRGB16b
 colorTpl: RGB (16-bit int/channel)
typedef color3c32b colorRGB32b
 colorTpl: RGB (32-bit int/channel)
typedef color3c64b colorRGB64b
 colorTpl: RGB (64-bit int/channel)
typedef color3c32F colorRGB32F
 colorTpl: RGB (32-bit float/channel)
typedef color3c64F colorRGB64F
 colorTpl: RGB (64-bit float/channel)
typedef color1c8b colorGrey8b
 colorTpl: 8-bit int Greyscale
typedef color1c16b colorGrey16b
 colorTpl: 16-bit int Greyscale
typedef color1c32b colorGrey32b
 colorTpl: 32-bit int Greyscale
typedef color1c64b colorGrey64b
 colorTpl: 64-bit int Greyscale
typedef color1c32F colorGrey32F
 colorTpl: 32-bit float Greyscale
typedef color1c64F colorGrey64F
 colorTpl: 64-bit float Greyscale

Complete Color Types with 8-bit channels and commonly used orderings for R, G, B, & A

These are commonly used by libraries like Cairo, Open GL, SDL, etc...

typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 3, 2, 1, 0 > colorBGR8b
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 24
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0 > colorARGB8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3 > colorBGRA8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32
typedef colorTpl< colChanI8, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 > colorABGR8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32

Simple Canvas Coordinate Types

typedef double rcSimpleFltCrdT
 Real coordinate type.
typedef int rcSimpleIntCrdT
 Integer coordinate type.

Simple Color Canvas Type (8 channels at 8 bits per channel)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color8c8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas8c8b
 Canvas type: generic 64-bit with 8 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Simple Color Canvas Types (3 and 4 channels at 8 bits per channel)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color4c8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas4c8b
 Canvas type: generic 32-bit with 4 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color3c8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas3c8b
 Canvas type: generic 24-bit with 3 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas4c8b ramCanvasRGBA8b
 Canvas type: 24-bit true color with alpha last (RGBA) – 4 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas3c8b ramCanvasRGB8b
 Canvas type: 24-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Simple Color Canvas Types (3 and 4 channels at 16 bits per channel)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color4c16b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas4c16b
 Canvas type: Generic 64-bit with 4 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color3c16b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas3c16b
 Canvas type: Generic 48-bit with 4 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas4c16b ramCanvasRGBA16b
 Canvas type: 48-bit true color with alpha (RGBA) – 4 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas3c16b ramCanvasRGB16b
 Canvas type: 48-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.

Simple Color Canvas Types (3 and 4 channels at 32 bits per channel)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color4c32b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas4c32b
 Canvas type: Generic 64-bit with 4 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color3c32b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas3c32b
 Canvas type: Generic 48-bit with 4 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas4c32b ramCanvasRGBA32b
 Canvas type: 48-bit true color with alpha (RGBA) – 4 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas3c32b ramCanvasRGB32b
 Canvas type: 48-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.

Simple Color Canvas Types (3 and 4 channels at 64 bits per channel)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color4c64b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas4c64b
 Canvas type: Generic 64-bit with 4 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color3c64b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas3c64b
 Canvas type: Generic 48-bit with 4 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas4c64b ramCanvasRGBA64b
 Canvas type: 48-bit true color with alpha (RGBA) – 4 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.
typedef ramCanvas3c64b ramCanvasRGB64b
 Canvas type: 48-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.

Simple Monochrome Canvas Types (1 channel uint at various depths)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color1c8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas1c8b
 Canvas type: 8-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 8-bit.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color1c16b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas1c16b
 Canvas type: 16-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 16-bit.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color1c32b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas1c32b
 Canvas type: 32-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 32-bit.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color1c64b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas1c64b
 Canvas type: 64-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 64-bit.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color1c32F, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas1c32F
 Canvas type: 32-bit single float grey-scale – 1 channel, 32-bit.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color1c64F, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas1c64F
 Canvas type: 64-bit double float grey-scale – 1 channel, 64-bit.

Simple Color Canvas Types (3 and 4 channels with double float channels)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color4c64F, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas4c64F
 Canvas type: generic 4 channels with double float channels.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color3c64F, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas3c64F
 Canvas type: generic 3 channels with double float channels.
typedef ramCanvas4c64F ramCanvasRGBA64F
 Canvas type: RGBA with double float channels.
typedef ramCanvas3c64F ramCanvasRGB64F
 Canvas type: RGB with double float channels.

Simple Color Canvas Types (3 and 4 channels with single float channels)

typedef ramCanvasTpl< color4c32F, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas4c32F
 Canvas type: generic 4 channels with single float channels.
typedef ramCanvasTpl< color3c32F, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvas3c32F
 Canvas type: generic 3 channels with single float channels.
typedef ramCanvas4c32F ramCanvasRGBA32F
 Canvas type: RGBA with single float channels.
typedef ramCanvas3c32F ramCanvasRGB32F
 Canvas type: RGB with single float channels.

Simple Color Canvas Types with 8-bit channels and commonly used orderings for R, G, B, & A.

These are commonly used by libraries like Cairo, Open GL, SDL, etc...

typedef ramCanvasTpl< colorBGR8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvasBGR8b
 colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels BGR8b
typedef ramCanvasTpl< colorARGB8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvasARGB8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels ARGB8b
typedef ramCanvasTpl< colorBGRA8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvasBGRA8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels BGRA8b
typedef ramCanvasTpl< colorABGR8b, rcSimpleIntCrdT, rcSimpleFltCrdT, false > ramCanvasABGR8b
 colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels ABGR8b

Typedef Documentation

◆ colChanI8

typedef uint8_t mjr::colChanI8

Type suitable for 8-bit unsigned color channels.

Definition at line 44 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colChanI16

typedef uint16_t mjr::colChanI16

Type suitable for 16-bit unsigned color channels.

Definition at line 45 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colChanI32

typedef uint32_t mjr::colChanI32

Type suitable for 32-bit unsigned color channels.

Definition at line 46 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colChanI64

typedef uint64_t mjr::colChanI64

Type suitable for 64-bit unsigned color channels.

Definition at line 47 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colChanF32

typedef float mjr::colChanF32

Type suitable for 32-bit floating point color channels.

Definition at line 52 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colChanF64

typedef double mjr::colChanF64

Type suitable for 64-bit floating point color channels.

Definition at line 53 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color1c8b

colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 8 – 8-bit Greyscale

Definition at line 60 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color2c8b

colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 16

Definition at line 61 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color3c8b

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 24 – 24-bit RGB (truecolor)

Definition at line 62 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color4c8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32 – 24-bit RGBA (truecolor)

Definition at line 63 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color5c8b

colorTpl: 5 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 40

Definition at line 64 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color6c8b

colorTpl: 6 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 48

Definition at line 65 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color7c8b

colorTpl: 7 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 56

Definition at line 66 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color8c8b

colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 64

Definition at line 67 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color16c8b

colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 128

Definition at line 68 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color32c8b

colorTpl: 32 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 256

Definition at line 69 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color64c8b

colorTpl: 64 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 512

Definition at line 70 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color1c16b

colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 16 – 16-bit Greyscale

Definition at line 72 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color2c16b

colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 32

Definition at line 73 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color3c16b

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 48 – 48-bit RGB

Definition at line 74 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color4c16b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 64 – 48-bit RGBA

Definition at line 75 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color8c16b

colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 128

Definition at line 76 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color16c16b

colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 256

Definition at line 77 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color32c16b

colorTpl: 32 Channel @ 16-bit unsigned int 512

Definition at line 78 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color1c32b

colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 32 – 32-bit Greyscale

Definition at line 80 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color2c32b

colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 64

Definition at line 81 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color3c32b

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 96 – 96-bit RGB

Definition at line 82 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color4c32b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 128 – 96-bit RGBA

Definition at line 83 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color8c32b

colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 256

Definition at line 84 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color16c32b

colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 32-bit unsigned int 512

Definition at line 85 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color1c64b

colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 64 – 64-bit Greyscale

Definition at line 87 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color2c64b

colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 128

Definition at line 88 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color3c64b

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 192 – 192-bit RGB

Definition at line 89 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color4c64b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 256 – 192-bit RGBA

Definition at line 90 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color8c64b

colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 64-bit unsigned int 512

Definition at line 91 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color1c32F

colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 32 – 32-bit Floating Greyscale

Definition at line 100 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color2c32F

colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 64

Definition at line 101 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color3c32F

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 96 – 96-bit Floating RGB

Definition at line 102 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color4c32F

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 128 – 96-bit Floating RGBA

Definition at line 103 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color8c32F

colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 256

Definition at line 104 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color16c32F

colorTpl: 16 Channel @ 32-bit floating point 512

Definition at line 105 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color1c64F

colorTpl: 1 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 64 – 64-bit Floating Greyscale

Definition at line 107 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color2c64F

colorTpl: 2 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 128

Definition at line 108 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color3c64F

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 192 – 192-bit Floating RGB

Definition at line 109 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color4c64F

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 256 – 256-bit Floating RGBA

Definition at line 110 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ color8c64F

colorTpl: 8 Channel @ 64-bit floating point 512

Definition at line 111 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGBA8b

colorTpl: RGBA (8-bit int/channel) (truecolor)

Definition at line 118 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGBA16b

colorTpl: RGBA (16-bit int/channel)

Definition at line 119 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGBA32b

colorTpl: RGBA (32-bit int/channel)

Definition at line 120 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGBA64b

colorTpl: RGBA (64-bit int/channel)

Definition at line 121 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGBA32F

colorTpl: RGBA (32-bit float/channel)

Definition at line 123 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGBA64F

colorTpl: RGBA (64-bit float/channel)

Definition at line 124 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGB8b

colorTpl: RGB (8-bit int/channel) (truecolor)

Definition at line 126 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGB16b

colorTpl: RGB (16-bit int/channel)

Definition at line 127 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGB32b

colorTpl: RGB (32-bit int/channel)

Definition at line 128 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGB64b

colorTpl: RGB (64-bit int/channel)

Definition at line 129 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGB32F

colorTpl: RGB (32-bit float/channel)

Definition at line 131 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorRGB64F

colorTpl: RGB (64-bit float/channel)

Definition at line 132 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorGrey8b

colorTpl: 8-bit int Greyscale

Definition at line 134 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorGrey16b

colorTpl: 16-bit int Greyscale

Definition at line 135 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorGrey32b

colorTpl: 32-bit int Greyscale

Definition at line 136 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorGrey64b

colorTpl: 64-bit int Greyscale

Definition at line 137 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorGrey32F

colorTpl: 32-bit float Greyscale

Definition at line 142 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorGrey64F

colorTpl: 64-bit float Greyscale

Definition at line 143 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorBGR8b

typedef colorTpl<colChanI8, 3, 2, 1, 0> mjr::colorBGR8b

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 24

Definition at line 150 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorARGB8b

typedef colorTpl<colChanI8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0> mjr::colorARGB8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32

Definition at line 152 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorBGRA8b

typedef colorTpl<colChanI8, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3> mjr::colorBGRA8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32

Definition at line 153 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ colorABGR8b

typedef colorTpl<colChanI8, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0> mjr::colorABGR8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int 32

Definition at line 154 of file MRcolor.hpp.

◆ rcSimpleFltCrdT

typedef double mjr::rcSimpleFltCrdT

Real coordinate type.

Definition at line 41 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ rcSimpleIntCrdT

typedef int mjr::rcSimpleIntCrdT

Integer coordinate type.

Definition at line 42 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas8c8b

Canvas type: generic 64-bit with 8 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 47 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas4c8b

Canvas type: generic 32-bit with 4 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 52 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas3c8b

Canvas type: generic 24-bit with 3 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 53 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGBA8b

Canvas type: 24-bit true color with alpha last (RGBA) – 4 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 54 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGB8b

Canvas type: 24-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 8-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 55 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas4c16b

Canvas type: Generic 64-bit with 4 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 60 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas3c16b

Canvas type: Generic 48-bit with 4 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 61 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGBA16b

Canvas type: 48-bit true color with alpha (RGBA) – 4 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 62 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGB16b

Canvas type: 48-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 16-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 63 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas4c32b

Canvas type: Generic 64-bit with 4 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 68 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas3c32b

Canvas type: Generic 48-bit with 4 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 69 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGBA32b

Canvas type: 48-bit true color with alpha (RGBA) – 4 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 70 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGB32b

Canvas type: 48-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 32-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 71 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas4c64b

Canvas type: Generic 64-bit with 4 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 76 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas3c64b

Canvas type: Generic 48-bit with 4 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 77 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGBA64b

Canvas type: 48-bit true color with alpha (RGBA) – 4 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 78 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGB64b

Canvas type: 48-bit true color without alpha (RGB) – 3 channels at 64-bit uint per channel.

Definition at line 79 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas1c8b

Canvas type: 8-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 8-bit.

Definition at line 84 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas1c16b

Canvas type: 16-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 16-bit.

Definition at line 85 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas1c32b

Canvas type: 32-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 32-bit.

Definition at line 86 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas1c64b

Canvas type: 64-bit uint grey-scale – 1 channel, 64-bit.

Definition at line 87 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas1c32F

Canvas type: 32-bit single float grey-scale – 1 channel, 32-bit.

Definition at line 92 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas1c64F

Canvas type: 64-bit double float grey-scale – 1 channel, 64-bit.

Definition at line 93 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas4c64F

Canvas type: generic 4 channels with double float channels.

Definition at line 98 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas3c64F

Canvas type: generic 3 channels with double float channels.

Definition at line 99 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGBA64F

Canvas type: RGBA with double float channels.

Definition at line 100 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGB64F

Canvas type: RGB with double float channels.

Definition at line 101 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas4c32F

Canvas type: generic 4 channels with single float channels.

Definition at line 106 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvas3c32F

Canvas type: generic 3 channels with single float channels.

Definition at line 107 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGBA32F

Canvas type: RGBA with single float channels.

Definition at line 108 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasRGB32F

Canvas type: RGB with single float channels.

Definition at line 109 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasBGR8b

colorTpl: 3 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels BGR8b

Definition at line 116 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasARGB8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels ARGB8b

Definition at line 117 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasBGRA8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels BGRA8b

Definition at line 118 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

◆ ramCanvasABGR8b

colorTpl: 4 Channel @ 8-bit unsigned int channels ABGR8b

Definition at line 119 of file ramCanvas.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

template<class clrChanT , int numChan, int redChanIdx = -1, int blueChanIdx = -1, int greenChanIdx = -1, int alphaChanIdx = -1>
requires ((numChan>0) && // Must have at least 1 chan (std::is_unsigned<clrChanT>::value || std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value) && // unsigned integral or floating point (std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value || (sizeof(clrChanT) >= 1)) && // If clrChanT int, then must be >= 1 char size (redChanIdx < numChan) && (blueChanIdx < numChan) && (greenChanIdx < numChan) && (alphaChanIdx < numChan) && (((blueChanIdx < 0) && (redChanIdx < 0) && (greenChanIdx < 0)) || ((blueChanIdx >= 0) && (redChanIdx >= 0) && (greenChanIdx >= 0))) && // R, G, & B all non-negative or all negative ((alphaChanIdx < 0) || (redChanIdx >= 0)) && // If A is non-negative, then all non-negative ((redChanIdx < 0) || ((redChanIdx != greenChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (blueChanIdx != alphaChanIdx))))
std::ostream & mjr::operator<< ( std::ostream & out,
colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan > const & color )

i/O stream output operator for colorTpl types.

Definition at line 5211 of file MRcolorTpl.hpp.

References mjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::getChan().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=()

template<class clrChanT , int numChan, int redChanIdx = -1, int blueChanIdx = -1, int greenChanIdx = -1, int alphaChanIdx = -1>
requires ((numChan>0) && // Must have at least 1 chan (std::is_unsigned<clrChanT>::value || std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value) && // unsigned integral or floating point (std::is_floating_point<clrChanT>::value || (sizeof(clrChanT) >= 1)) && // If clrChanT int, then must be >= 1 char size (redChanIdx < numChan) && (blueChanIdx < numChan) && (greenChanIdx < numChan) && (alphaChanIdx < numChan) && (((blueChanIdx < 0) && (redChanIdx < 0) && (greenChanIdx < 0)) || ((blueChanIdx >= 0) && (redChanIdx >= 0) && (greenChanIdx >= 0))) && // R, G, & B all non-negative or all negative ((alphaChanIdx < 0) || (redChanIdx >= 0)) && // If A is non-negative, then all non-negative ((redChanIdx < 0) || ((redChanIdx != greenChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (redChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != blueChanIdx) && (greenChanIdx != alphaChanIdx) && (blueChanIdx != alphaChanIdx))))
bool mjr::operator!= ( colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan > const & color1,
colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan > const & color2 )

Inequality operator for colorTpl types.

Definition at line 5247 of file MRcolorTpl.hpp.

References mjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::isNotEqual().

Here is the call graph for this function: