Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx > | Template Class used to house colors for ramCanvas objects |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::cs2dFltPalArg< colorScheme, argWrap, cutDepth, argCuts, absCuts, logAbs > | Compute a color for a point in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) using a continuous color scheme for the phase angle |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::cs2dIdxPalArg< colorScheme, argWrap, cutDepth, argCuts, absCuts, logAbs > | Compute a color for a point in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) using a discrete color scheme for the phase angle |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::cs2dRichardson< cutDepth, argCuts, absCuts, logAbs > | Compute a color from Richardson's 2D complex number coloring scheme |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::cs2dThaller_tpl< useHSL, maxV, cutDepth, argCuts, absCuts, logAbs > | Template for Thaller 2D color schemes |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csBin_tpl< a, b > | Binary color scheme |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csCB_tpl< mx, colors > | Template for Color Brewer 2 variable sized pallets |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csCC_tpl< corners > | Template providing RGB color cube gradiant color schemes |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csCubeHelix_tpl< start, rots, hue, gamma > | Compute a color from Dave Green's cubehelix scheme |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csFP_tpl< colors > | Template for fixed size pallets |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csHSLh_tpl< corner > | Template for HSL color schemes |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csPLY_tpl< coefs > | Compute a color from a polynomial space curve in the RGB color space |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csVarToFixed_tpl< varColorScheme, numClr > | Wrapper for Color Brewer 2 variable sized pallet template to produce a simple fixed color scheme with a numC member |
Cmjr::colorTpl< clrChanT, numChan, redChanIdx, greenChanIdx, blueChanIdx, alphaChanIdx >::csWS_tpl< colors > | Template for web safe 216 pallets |
Cmjr::hershey::herChar | Struct to define a glyph |
Cmjr::hershey | |
Cmjr::point2d< coordT > | Handy class to hold a point in 2D (integer or real) |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes > | Class providing off-screen drawing functionality |
▼Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterHomoBase< inRamCanvasT > | This class is an incomplete rcConverter (no getPxColorNC method) that provides a nice base for homogenious rcConverters |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterColorScheme< inRamCanvasT, outColorT, colorScheme, clamp, factor, chan > | Colorize a ramCanvasTpl with integer channels using a color scheme |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterIdentity< inRamCanvasT > | |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterMonoIntensity< inRamCanvasT, outColorChanT > | Convert a ramCanvasTpl to a greyscale image using colorT::intensity() |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterRGBbyte< inRamCanvasT > | |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterRGBAbyte< inRamCanvasT > | |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterRGBAdbl< inRamCanvasT > | |
Cmjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::rcConverterRGBdbl< inRamCanvasT > | |