Bari Wolf Stock
Author: | Mitch Richling |
Updated: | 2023-10-05 |
Copyright 2023 Mitch Richling. All rights reserved.
1. Stock Index
1.1. bwIDimpv002
1.2. bwIDimpv003
1.3. bwIDimph008
1.4. bwIDimph002
1.5. bwIDimph004
- Location:
- Max Paper Size: 30.548 vertically
- Watermark: NONE
- Probable Sheet Position: 25 (plate flaws & selvage)
- Plate Flaws Front:
: Gash on hind legpf0034
: Large horn on "N" of "ITALIANE"
- Perforation Error: Horizontally Imperforate
- Catalog Perforations:
Vertically Rough Estimated- Top: Imperforate
- Bottom: Imperforate
- pfLine17_L 11.402 Rough Estimated Diam: 1.049
- pfLine17_R 11.414 Rough Estimated
1.6. bwIDimph005
1.7. bwIDimph006
1.8. bwIDimph007
1.9. bwIDimp004
1.10. bwIDimp003
1.11. bwIDimp001
1.12. bwIDimp002
1.13. bwIDsgl067
1.14. bwIDsgl072
1.15. bwIDsgl075
1.16. bwIDsgl065
1.17. bwIDsgl073
1.18. bwIDsgl056
1.19. bwIDsgl071
1.20. bwIDsgl074
1.21. bwIDsgl053
1.22. bwIDsgl052
1.23. bwIDsgl051
1.24. bwIDsgl077
1.25. bwIDsgl076
1.26. bwIDsgl070
- Location:
- Paper Size:
- Watermark: NONE
- Plate Flaws:
: The "C" of "CENT" damaged at bottompf0012
: Top of "5" of "50" broken offppf0001
: (POTENTIAL) An "L" instead of "I" in "NAPOLI"
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine18_T 11.480
- pfLine18_B 11.477
- pfLine17_L 11.370
- pfLine16_R 11.302 Diam: 1.017
1.27. bwIDsgl062
1.28. bwIDsgl057
1.29. bwIDsgl058
1.30. bwIDsgl059
1.31. bwIDmisbg001
1.32. bwIDmisbg002
1.33. bwIDmisbg003
1.34. bwIDruf002
1.35. bwIDruf003
1.36. bwIDruf004
1.37. bwIDdbl002
- Location:
- Watermark: NONE
- Paper Size:
- Print Error: Double Impression (
) - Double print shifted Distance 1.779mm. 0.000mm horizontally by 1.779mm vertically.
- Upper margin contains partial design of stamp above on the sheet
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine14_T 11.382
- pfLine13_B 11.443
- pfLine16_L 11.434
- pfLine15_R 11.425
1.38. bwIDidbl001
1.39. bwIDsamp003
1.40. bwIDsamp009
1.41. bwIDsamp010
1.42. bwIDsamp001
1.43. bwIDsamp002
1.44. bwIDpf002
1.45. bwIDpf004
1.46. bwIDsgl069
1.47. bwIDpf001
- Location:
- Watermark: NONE
- Sheet Margin: Bottom
- Sheet Position: 149 150 161 162 (per burelage types, margin markings, and plate flaws)
- Burelage Types: I IV III III
- Plate Flaws p150:
: Blob on top frame above first "I" of "ITALIANE"pf0007
: Right child has birth mark on outstretched armpf0006
: Broken tit
- Plate Flaws p161:
: The "C" of "CENT" damaged at bottompf0012
: Top of "5" of "50" broken off
- Plate Flaws p162:
: Gash in top of "C" of "CENT"pf0005
: Bite out of bottom of "0" of "50"
- Paper Size:
- paper_p149
- paper_p150
- paper_p161
- paper_p162
- paper_p149
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine28_R1 10.849
- pfLine29_R2 10.865 Diam: 0.932
- pfLine29_R3 10.869 Diam: 0.985
- pfLine36_C1 10.880
- pfLine36_C2 10.876 Diam: 1.017
- pfLine36_C3 10.876
1.48. bwIDpf005
- Location:
- Watermark: NONE
- Sheet Margin: Left
- Sheet Position: 85 86 97 98 (per burelage types & selvage)
- Burelage Types: III I I II
- Plate Flaws p86:
: Large break in "O" of "POSTE"
- Plate Flaws p85:
: Broken titpf0007
: Right child has birth mark on outstretched arm
- Paper Size:
- paper_1
- paper_2
- paper_3
- paper_4
- paper_1
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine36_R1 11.507
- pfLine37_R2 11.492 Diam: 1.038
- pfLine36_R3 11.484
- pfLine33_C1 11.363 Diam: 0.922
- pfLine34_C2 11.384 Diam: 0.922
- pfLine34_C3 11.385
1.49. bwIDpf006
- Location:
- Sheet Position: 89 90 99 100 (per burelage types or plate flaws)
- Burelage Types: IV IV II III
- Paper Size:
- paper_p89
- paper_p90
- paper_p99
- paper_p100
- paper_p89
- Watermark: HONEYCOMB
- Plate Flaws p89:
: Broken base
- Plate Flaws p90:
: Broken base
- Plate Flaws p99:
: Broken tit
- Plate Flaws p100:
: Broken tit
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine28_R1 10.922
- pfLine28_R2 10.909 Diam: 1.102
- pfLine28_R3 10.914
- pfLine34_C1 11.372
- pfLine34_C2 11.397 Diam: 0.974
- pfLine34_C3 11.400
1.50. bwIDpf007
- Location:
- Paper Size:
- paper_1
- paper_2
- paper_3
- paper_4
- paper_1
- Watermark: HONEYCOMB
- Plate Flaws 4:
: Gash at top and bottom of "C" of "RICHTER"pf0009
: Broken base
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine27_R1 10.911
- pfLine28_R2 10.910 Diam: 1.133
- pfLine28_R3 10.916
- pfLine33_C1 11.393
- pfLine34_C2 11.379 Diam: 1.186
- pfLine34_C3 11.374
1.51. bwIDpf008
- Location:
- Paper Size:
- paper_1
- paper_2
- paper_1
- Watermark: HONEYCOMB
- Plate Flaws 1:
: (POTENTIAL) Dot behind hind leg below tip of tailppf0005
: (POTENTIAL) Dot above back
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine13_R1 10.892
- pfLine13_R2 10.907 Diam: 1.059
- pfLine13_R3 10.832
- pfLine32_L 11.383
- pfLine32_R 11.394
1.52. bwIDqbu001
- Location:
- Watermark: NONE
- Block of four with all four Burelage types.
- Sheet Position: 90 91 102 103
- Burelage Types: I III II IV
- Plate Flaws p103:
: Blob to the right of the right childpf0009
: Broken base
- Plate Oddity: Impression is smeared to the right
- Paper Size:
- paper_p90
- paper_p91
- paper_p102
- paper_p103
- paper_p90
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine30_R1 11.460
- pfLine30_R2 11.456 Diam: 1.070
- pfLine29_R3 11.441
- pfLine33_C1 11.439
- pfLine34_C3 11.420 Diam: 1.070
- pfLine35_C2 11.422
1.53. bwIDmisfg001
1.54. bwIDdrkw003
1.55. bwIDdrkb001
- Location:
- Frame & Burelage are offset by 0.983mm. 0.127mm horizontally and 0.974mm vertically.
- Paper Size:
- Watermark: NONE
- Color Variety: Dark burelage
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine14_T 11.394
- pfLine15_B 11.348
- pfLine16_L 11.369
- pfLine16_R 11.448
- Wolf Color:
- L:
- A:
- B:
- C:
- H:
- J:
- L:
- Burelage, Color:
- L:
- A:
- B:
- C:
- H:
- J:
- L:
1.56. bwIDshade011
- Location:
- Watermark: NONE
- Plate Flaw:
- Strange missing ink region – probably not a true plate flaw.
: Broken base
- Paper Size:
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine16_T 11.522
- pfLine14_B 11.540
- pfLine17_L 11.408
- pfLine16_R 11.433 Diam: 0.932
- Color Variety: Violet Wolf & Medium Lilac Burelage (per Bush)
- Wolf Color:
- L:
- A:
- B:
- C:
- H:
- J:
- L:
- Burelage Color:
- L:
- A:
- B:
- C:
- H:
- J:
- L:
1.57. bwIDshade013
1.58. bwIDshade005
1.59. bwIDshade010
1.60. bwIDshade014
1.61. bwIDshade004
- Location:
- Watermark: NONE
- Paper Size:
- Plate Flaw:
: Broken titpf0007
: Right child has birth mark on outstretched arm
- Catalog Perforations:
- pfLine14_T 11.455
- pfLine14_B 11.488
- pfLine16_L 11.419
- pfLine16_R 11.450
- Color Variety: Dark Lilac Wolf & Light lilac Burelage (per Bush)
- Wolf Color:
- L:
- A:
- B:
- C:
- H:
- J:
- L:
- Burelage, Color:
- L:
- A:
- B:
- C:
- H:
- J:
- L: