MRaster lib
Image Processing Library
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Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawCircle (intCrdT centerX, intCrdT centerY, intCrdT radiusX, colorArgType color)
Draws everyting even if it's off the canvas.
Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawFillCircle (intCrdT centerX, intCrdT centerY, intCrdT radiusX, colorArgType color)
Draws everyting even if it's off the canvas.
Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawFillTriangle (intCrdT x1, intCrdT y1, intCrdT x2, intCrdT y2, intCrdT x3, intCrdT y3, colorArgType color)

Triangles not entirely on the canvas are not rendered.

Not thread safe.

Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawFillTriangle (intCrdT x1, intCrdT y1, intCrdT x2, intCrdT y2, intCrdT x3, intCrdT y3, colorArgType color1, colorArgType color2, colorArgType color3)

Triangles not entirely on the canvas are not rendered.

Degenerate trainagles are not rendered

Painfully slow

Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawFillTriangleUtl (intCrdT x1, intCrdT y1, intCrdT x2, intCrdT y2, intCrdT x3, intCrdT y3, colorT c1, colorT c2, colorT c3, bool solid)
Not thread safe
Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawPLCurve (int numPoints, intCrdT *x, intCrdT *y, colorArgType color)
Some pixels may be drawn more than once.
Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::drawTriangle (intCrdT x1, intCrdT y1, intCrdT x2, intCrdT y2, intCrdT x3, intCrdT y3, colorArgType color)
Some pixels may be drawn more than once.
Member mjr::ramCanvasTpl< colorT, intCrdT, fltCrdT, enableDrawModes >::readRAWfile (std::string fileName)
Floating point data is read directly from disk as-is without regard for endianness. I have no plans to fix this because I'm not sure what a good fix looks like